Live & In-Person Directional Non-Force Technique® Seminars For 2025


Chiropractors Can Study
DNFT® Chiropractic ONLINE
and receive CEU credits in most states

Module 1 and Module 2 online courses are available, and Module 3 will also be available sometime in 2025.
The Modules count for re-license credits in most states and provinces.
These are for Doctors of Chiropractic only and are sponsored by Sherman Chiropractic College Continuing Education Dept.

NOW - Modules available on FLASH DRIVES

While we recommend enrolling in the Sherman sponsored Modules for doctors who would like to receive their annual state or province educational units, we are making these same Modules available on FLASH DRIVES.

Flash Drives can be helpful not only for chiropractic students who may not enroll for online modules, but for other health care professionals and those who are simply interested for personal educational reasons.

Get the details on the equipment page for Module 1 and Module 2 Flash Drive Courses.


Seminars other than the DNFT Full Spine:

Motor Skills Intensive Seminar

Motor skill intensive seminars are generally 1 or 1 1/2 days in length.
Pre-requisite: Module 1 Online or Flash Drive equivalent, and Module 2 or in-person Full Spine Seminar.

Exercises and topics include:

  • Palpation and body marking

  • Supine and prone leg check

  • Thrusting as adapted to specific osseous and soft tissue structures throughout the body

  • Hand-on application via group adjusting

Dr John will render demonstrations to illustrate all aspects.

Motor skills are introduced, illustrated, and practiced in a specific sequence. Correction of all aspects of subluxation is performed in supervised groups.

Many practitioners have reported quantum leaps in their practice results from these seminars.

Advanced Seminar - Module 3+

This is a special 2 1/2 day seminar for those who have had some experience in practicing D.N.F.T. analysis and adjustment.

Pre-requisite: Module 1 online, Module 2 and/or in-person Full Spine Seminar.

In 2024, advanced concepts in analysis and adjustment have grown to the point of requiring their own seminar to properly cover. The title of this seminar is:

Organs, Cranials, and Dura - Relationships and Interactions

Also included (the + of Module 3 +) are discussions and illustrations of atypical or rare yet important situations that a DNFT® Practitioner can encounter. Some of these topics include but are not limited to:

  • Where and how often might we encounter a “Rubix Cube” adjustment phenomena?

  • Finding the “Major.” How often might it be in one part of the spine vs another?

  • What are the three or four status of the Upper Cervicals and how do they relate to our approach on virtually every patient? How does this relate to the Dura Mater?

We have traditionally held these seminars in beautiful resort destinations, and arranged the schedule so that friends and family can be encouraged to come as well.
We have utilized fine hotels at such destinations as: Palm Springs, San Diego, Lake Tahoe, New Orleans, Calistoga, and Palm Springs.

A Saturday night group dinner (included) has become a great tradition of our Advanced Seminars.

Extremities Seminar - Module 4+

An Extremities seminar is two days, but may have different ending times due to range of topics and/or guest speakers. The topics of these seminars include:

  • Shoulder analysis and correction.

  • Wrist and hand.

  • Knee, ankle, and foot analysis and correction of bones, ligaments, and cartilage.

  • Extensive soft tissues - more than is taught at Full Spine or any other 2-day.

  • Motor skills: palpation, leg check, thrusting

  • (Some seminars) Extremities orthopedic considerations - a guest orthopedic surgeon will describe and illustrate office examinations, X-rays, MRIs, and surgical interventions for injuries and conditions that warrant them.