Who May Attend D.N.F.T.® Seminars
Doctors or Students of Chiropractic may attend.
We are currently also considering accepting Naturopaths who practice in states in which Naturopathy is licensed and the Naturopathic Students are trained in adjusting by Chiropractic Colleges.
Basic Course Fees
Course fees are listed online for each type/length of seminar for categories of New or Review and Student or Doctor.
Refers to the first time that one has attended a particular module.
Review means one has attended the particular module before.
Similarly, if one had attended both “Cervical & Thoracic” and “Lumbar & Thoracic” modules, then one would be considered a reviewer for any “Full Spine” module. Although one may be a reviewer for a Full Spine Seminar, one would be “new” for an Extremities
Orthotics module attended for the first time.
Exceptions would be that if one has attended a Full Spine, then one would be considered a reviewer for any “Cervical & Thoracic” or “Lumbar & Thoracic” Module if they were held in the future.
Similarly, if one had attended both “Cervical & Thoracic” and “Lumbar & Thoracic” modules, then one would be considered a reviewer for any “Full Spine” module. Although one may be a reviewer for a Full Spine Seminar, one would be “new” for an Extremities
Orthotics module attended for the first time.
Student Rate
The student rate applies only to those who are a student at the time of the seminar, and not by status at the time of application.
A discount that is listed online and for which one is eligible may be subtracted from the course fee at the time of payment.
This early signup discount may not be available for every seminar and is valid only when advertised for a particular seminar. This discount will be seen on the online checkout either automatically upon online "cart" checkout, or by filling in the promotional code in the indicated box upon online checkout. Online, there is a automatic expiration of the offer on the last day of the eligibility.
Early Signup Discount
There may, if advertised, be a 10% early signup discount if course payment is received in a specified number of days prior to the first day of the seminar event.
This early signup discount may not be available for every seminar and is valid only when advertised for a particular seminar. This discount will be seen on the online checkout either automatically upon online "cart" checkout, or by filling in the promotional code in the indicated box upon online checkout. Online, there is a automatic expiration of the offer on the last day of the eligibility.
As a special courtesy we currently currently offer a “Newly Graduated Doctor” discount: If one is a doctor and the date of the seminar is within one year of the date of one’s graduation, then one may receive a discount by way of a course fee calculated to be half way between the student rate and the full doctor rate. Proof of graduation date may be required. One example: if a 3-day seminar new doctor rate is $545 and a new student rate is $195, the difference between the two fees is $350. That difference divided by 2 equals $175. Therefore the special new doctor fee for this particular seminar would be $195 + $175 = $370.
Newly Graduated Doctor Discount
As a special courtesy we currently currently offer a “Newly Graduated Doctor” discount: If one is a doctor and the date of the seminar is within one year of the date of one’s graduation, then one may receive a discount by way of a course fee calculated to be half way between the student rate and the full doctor rate. Proof of graduation date may be required. One example: if a 3-day seminar new doctor rate is $545 and a new student rate is $195, the difference between the two fees is $350. That difference divided by 2 equals $175. Therefore the special new doctor fee for this particular seminar would be $195 + $175 = $370.
Only one discount, if available, may be appplied, not multiple discounts.
Additional Discounts
No additional discounts may be added such as early signup, liking Facebook, etc. There are no discounts for not having a state license, or not working in a chiropractic office.
Only one discount, if available, may be appplied, not multiple discounts.
Potential rebates are not subtracted from the course payment, as the rebate will be issued with a check from the D.N.F.T. Seminars office after the seminar has been held.
Cancelling more than 2 weeks before seminar: a processing fee of $45 - DC, $25 - Student
More than 2 Weeks Before
Cancelling more than 2 weeks before seminar: a processing fee of $45 - DC, $25 - Student
Cancelling 2 weeks or less before seminar: $200-DC, $45-Students
2 Weeks or Less Before
Cancelling 2 weeks or less before seminar: $200-DC, $45-Students
Cancelling less than 3 days before seminar: $250-DC, $55-Students
Within 72 Hours
Cancelling less than 3 days before seminar: $250-DC, $55-Students
Cancelling on day of or day before the seminar, no show, or leaving seminar for any reason- no refund of course fee.