In our experience, 25% or more of patients who come for an adjustment have extremities involved as either the primary reason for their visit, or as a secondary factor. Without a deep and up to date knowledge of what to do with knees, ankles, feet, shoulders, arms, wrists, and hands, we could fall short of our chiropractic goal of removing nerve interference wherever present.
Dr John will be introducing new elements and refinements for knee, ankle, foot, and hand adjusting to enhance existing protocols. This seminar will count for 14 CEU hours, including California mandatory adjusting 4 hours.
The D.N.F.T.® Extremities Seminar is part of the requirements for a doctor to acquire referral list status. An Extremities Seminar is also a minimal once every 4 years requirement for referral list doctors.
Our location is the Jamaica Bay Inn at Marina Del Rey, the site of our 2018 Advanced Seminar. This beautiful setting received much positive feedback. Ask for the DNFT® Seminars special room block sleeping room rate for your room at this hotel.
The course fee includes Saturday and Sunday catered lunches. These group meals will be theme buffets served on our private deck overlooking the beach.
We will include a segment taught by Dr Ed Glaser, President of Sole Supports Orthotics. He will lecture on foot biomechanics and orthotics theory and design. Get the latest knowledge about the most sophisticated foot orthotics.
One can gain certified casting status for Sole Supports in his segment.